Thursday, May 03, 2007


I sat on the couch last night, new Michael Chabon novel in my lap. I've been waiting to read this novel ever since Chabon talked about it a number of years ago; it was originally going to come out last year but he hadn't quite finished it yet. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay was a fantastic novel and really woke me back up to the possibilities of fiction and that book spurred me to read all of his work. Then Summerland came out and I really liked the mixture of myth and baseball. I bought and read the slim The Final Solution and enjoyed it very much. But The Yiddish Policeman's Union is really the follow-up to TAAoK&C and as I said, I've been anticipating. So there I was last night...and I didn't want to start. Why? The sooner I started, the sooner it would be over and then I'd have to start waiting for the next novel. Silly, I know. And I got over it. I'm sure I'll read it as fast as I can. But that hesitation allowed me to keep that feeling of anticipation alive for a little while longer and that was a good thing.

Yes, I know I'm weird.

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