Sunday, April 15, 2007


Halfway through April already and the weather has felt like February for most of it. Looks like spring might be here to stay now, as we're promised highs in the 50s and then 60s by week's end. This weekend is also progress report weekend for my job, so I've been keeping busy with that. I do plan on getting back to some other posts but for now, you'll have to settle for more random music from iTunes...

1. Take A Rake/Centro-Matic (3)
2. Heavy Metal Drummer (demo)/Wilco (10)
3. Billy Liar/The Decemberists (4)
4. I Don't Know Why/Ben Kweller (16)
5. Another Sunny Day/Belle and Sebastian (10)
6. Jet Stream/Brendan Benson (10)
7. If Work Permits/The Format (9)
8. Go-Go Gadget Gospel/Gnarls Barkley (3)
9. Panthers/Wilco (10)
10. Where I'm Anymore/Grandaddy (10)

Wow, some interesting trends today. Five songs were pushed into double digits; another is now one step away, plus the one that's closer to 20 than 10. The other three are all very low. And it's been a while since I've had a two song Wilco day. Enjoy the rest of your day!

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