Sunday, July 15, 2007


The June issue of Asimov's yielded a first for me on the year - a story that I abandoned. I usually like stories of alternate history but this one was told in a dry style (articles and editorials) and I could only stick with it for a few pages. One out of a hundred plus on the year isn't too bad, though.

The next story was "Three Days of Rain" by Holly Phillips and it was more successful in entertaining me. It's a tale of class in a future where water has become scarce. Solid character work and a nice mood piece.

R. Neube's "Studies in the Field" was a neat look at a relationship between a scientist and an alien species, whom he helps with food and defense against another marauding species (and going against his scientific methods by doing so).

James Patrick Kelly makes yet another appearance in a June issue (he's somewhere over 20 straight, I think) with "Don't Stop." Lisa Schoonover can see dead people and that has naturally affected her life. She's also a runner. At this point in her life she's trying to decide whether or not to try and live or just continue the way things have been. It's not Kelly's best work but it is definitely worth a read.

"Tideline" by Elizabeth Bear is a look at a relationship between a damaged war machine and a young boy. It's a sweet little tale.

Jack Skillingstead has been one of my favorite Asimov's writers the past few years and he doesn't disappoint with "Scrawl Daddy." Alien technology, clones, graffiti, space exploration, sex, and more form a very cool future tale. My second favorite story this issue.

"Marrying In" by Carrie Vaughn shows at the sacrifices that go into a marriage when each spouse in from a different state in a future where immigration happens within our country's borders. Interesting idea and a decent story.

The last story in the issue is "Alien Archaeology" by Neal Asher. It is a story in his Polity sequence and is full of action and mystery and cool aliens and rogue AIs. I remember his story about the Gabbleduck, which meant I was a bit more infested as the Gabbleduck mystery is at the heart of this story. I could read science fiction like this all day; maybe I should check out Asher's novels.

As always, I read the usual array of editorials and essays and the book column (Peter Heck this time around). I've already started on the next issue as well, though I won't read the stories until I'm done with the book I'm reading (and that's off to a good start). I recently renewed my subscription, so you can look forward to these columns for a good while longer...lucky you!

1 comment:

Neal Asher said...

Well, here's the website: and the blog link here on this page...