Monday, January 30, 2006


I've been using the internet for what God intended the last few days - wasting time.

My latest music site is, where you can listen to live performances in the "Lounge Acts" section from The Hold Steady (acoustic!), The Wrens, Rogue Wave, and The National, to name the acts I've checked out so far.

I've also been listening to Trevor's January mix, which he was kind enough to share with everyone. Go grab it for yourselves!

Finally, I'm ready to purchase a new book after having tried the Zadie Smith again and giving it up again after 20 more pages - it's really not for me. So, what to buy? I have a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble with which to help me choose. Do I go for something in hardcover like the new Max Barry (I enjoyed his previous novel, Jennifer Government)? Of course, I'd rather hold out for the new Kevin Brockmeier novel due Feb. 14 if I were going that route. If I go paperback, do I go with Tim Pratt? Murakami's Kafka on the Shore? David Mitchell's Number 9 Dream in advance of his new one? Mieville's Iron Council? So many choices...guess I'll go with what strikes me most when I'm standing in the store tomorrow.

Now back to my other time waster...sudoku on the web. Sigh.


TJ said...

I can tell you I wasn't all that enthused with the Mitchell book. The Brockmeier's pretty tempting. I guess he's coming to Iowa City in March. Rad.

Glad you liked the mix.

Justin Steiner said...

Did you like Mitchell's debut?

Brockmeier in the IC? Cool. You gonna go?

TJ said...

Ghostwritten? I haven't read it. I read No.9 before I read Cloud Atlas and liked CA much better, enough that I'd be willing to take a chance on that first book.

Mos def. I may even geek out and take my copy of Things That Fall from the Sky for a signature. Writers are about as close as I ever get to celebrities.

Justin Steiner said...

I read Ghostwritten not long after it came out and I liked it pretty well. Never got around to Number 9 Dream, obviously, but loved loved loved Cloud Atlas. Chances are I'll try to read that middle one before Black Swan Green comes out.

I've not yet read Brockmeier's story collection. Have to try and get to that this year too.