Wednesday, August 01, 2007


July is gone already? Wow.

I read 3 books in July - Soon I Will Be Invincible, The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. That brings my 2007 total to 22 so far, which is one short of where I need to be if I want to read 40 books on the year. Two months of 4 books each will do the trick but again, we'll see.

I read 26 stories in July, which almost equals the total from the previous three months...combined! In fact, it's the highest number of stories in a month since January...and I even abandoned a story for the first time this year. Of course, reading 4 issue of my SF mags (two each of Asimov's and F&SF) will up the totals. And that yearly total is up to 115.

I read 10 comics in July, 4 trades and 6 single issues. So much for my prediction last month of how it would be mostly trades from then on. Ah well. I have now read 95 comics on the year, of which 23 have been trades. Those have gotten ahead of the books.

Only 6 CDs in July and all of those were downloads. Those things are both rare occurences. Anyway, one of them was an EP and that brings my 2007 total to 66.

I saw 3 movies in the theaters in July - Transformers, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and The Simpsons Movie. Pretty darn good month at the cinema, I'd say.

I actually kept track of my DVD viewing in July (yes, I know). I can tell you that I saw two movies - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Fight Club and abandoned another (I Heart Huckabee's). Grant and I watched 8 episodes on Batman: The Animated Series Vol. 2, as well as one feature and a commentary for an episode we saw in June.

And there's July!

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