Wednesday, December 28, 2005

MUSIC 2005

It was very hard to narrow this down. On another day, I would arrange the order differently or slide some other discs into the top ten. A good year for music, I think.

1. The Hold Steady/Separation Sunday
2. New Pornographers/Twin Cinema
3. Spoon/Gimme Fiction
4. Devin Davis/Lonely People of the World, Unite!
5. The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers/The Mother of Love Emulates the Shapes of Cynthia
6. Portastatic/Bright Ideas
7. Eels/Blinking Lights and Other Revelations
8. Bright Eyes/I'm Wide Awake It's Morning
9. Fiona Apple/Extraordinary Machine
10. Marah/If You Didn't Laugh, You'd Cry

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